
How We Process Your Order

What Happens When Your Order is Placed

When you place an order on OnlyLeggings.com, we work fast to get it out our door and to your door as quick as possible.  We take pride in not only our high quality leggings and women's leg fashion but in our desire to give you the very best service and commitment to your order.  Here is how we do it:

    • Within 10 minutes of your order being placed, we print your order.
    • Your printed order is then immediately sent to our Filling Department.
    • Our product fillers take your order and fill your requested items by going into our warehouse, selecting your purchased merchandise and then drop the product and your printed order at our Packing Department.
    • Within 30 minutes of your order being printed and filled, our Packing Department reviews your order and checks each item for quality, quantity, size and ensuring it is the right legging or leg fashion piece that you ordered.
    • If your order has all of the correct items and passes final inspection, our packer packs your order and sends it to our Shipping Department.  If our packer finds a product defect or an error in filling your order, a filler replaces the item(s) and your order is then rechecked and packed.
    • Within 1 hour, your completed order arrives at our Shipping Department and shipped based on your requested shipping method.
    • That same day, UPS and USPS picks up your package for delivery to you.

What Happens if Something is Out of Stock?

On rare occasions (less than 1% of orders), we maybe out of stock of an item in which case your order is sent to Customer Service to contact you immediately to see which item you would like to replace it with or to notify you that the item is returning into stock and that we will ship out your available items now and when your out of stock item comes in, send it to you with free shipping.  In these cases, we wait 24 - 48 hours t hear back from you unless you have requested your order to be sent overnight, 2 day or 3 day priority.  In these case we send out your available merchandise and when your item comes back into stock, send that item out with free shipping.

We take great pride in getting your order to yo as fast as possible. Our policy is "same day in, same day out" and we achieve this on over 99% of all order placed.

Leggings and women's leg fashion is our business and maintaining the very best leggings selection and service is what we strive to do.  Everything from leggings, skirts, sexy jumpsuits and bodysuits, denim and cotton jeans, women's shorts, pants and even undies and thongs is what provide and its our commitment to service is what we give!

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